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Awards categories

The European Healthcare Design 2025 Awards celebrate and recognise professional and research excellence in the design of healthcare environments both in Europe and around the world

Healthcare Design (Over 25,000 sqm)

Lead judge: Kate Copeland,
chair, Australian Health Design Council, Australia

An outstanding healthcare project in a secondary or tertiary care setting that demonstrates high levels of sustainability and urban integration, creates an effective clinical environment, promotes service improvement, and provides a supportive environment for staff, patients and their families.

Healthcare Design (Under 25,000 sqm)

Lead judge: David Powell, project director, New Velindre Cancer Centre; development director, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, UK

An outstanding healthcare project in a community, primary or tertiary care setting that demonstrates high levels of sustainability and urban integration, transforming the quality of care services in an accessible location, and supporting the integrated needs of staff, patients and the community. 

Submissions may include but are not restricted to GP premises, primary care centres, urgent care centres, integrated health hubs, community hospitals and multi-use polyclinics.

Mental Health Design

Lead judge: Beatrice Fraenkel,
director, Design in Mental Health Network, UK

A mental health project that, through innovative design thinking, achieves a reconciliation between the needs of the patient/resident for a humanistic environment that supports ongoing therapy, care and recovery, and the requirement for appropriate levels of safety, security and supervision.

Design for Adaptation and Transformation

Lead judge: Visiting Professor Jim Chapman, 
Manchester School of Architecture, UK

An outstanding healthcare project that has had a transformational impact on resolving complex and difficult service design challenges. 

Submissions may include but are not restricted to conversions, extensions, infills, refurbishments, exterior projects, and field hospitals

Future Healthcare Design

Lead judge: Cliff Harvey, Joint Vice President Redevelopment, Grand River Hospital/St. Mary’s General Hospital, Canada

A future healthcare project that can demonstrate the potential for outstanding outcomes in masterplanning, place making, wellness, pandemic preparedness and sustainable development, in alignment with the strategic requirements of the healthcare provider to transform their services within the wider community, regional or national health system. 

Submissions must be ‘real’ projects developed in design but not yet built to completion. Concept designs will not be considered.

Design for Health and Wellness

Lead judge: John Cooper, chair, European Healthcare Design; director, John Cooper Architecture, UK

An inspirational project that encompasses services outside of traditional healthcare settings and, through an alignment of the care philosophy with the design of the environment, helps promote positive behaviours towards healthy living and wellness. 

Submissions may include but are not restricted to outreach centres, home care, dementia care and continuing care settings.

Design for Sustainable Development

Lead judge: Jonathan Erskine,
director, European Health Property Network, UK

An exemplar healthcare project completed over 5 years ago that has demonstrated fitness for purpose, flexibility and high performance over time, adapting to new service configurations and meeting international standards in sustainability, including social, economic, human and environmental factors. Any healthcare building or typology is eligible, including reuse or refurbished projects, circular projects, and zero- or negative-carbon projects

Health and Life Sciences

Lead judge: Peter Ward, Director of Real Estate Development, King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK

An outstanding health and life sciences project that promotes the development of medical knowledge and innovation in areas such as training and education, clinical research, informatics and artificial intelligence, drug discovery and healthcare delivery, with a focus to improve patient and population health outcomes.

Interior Design and Arts

Lead judge: Ruth Charity,
arts co-ordinator, artlink,  Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT, UK

An inspirational project that demonstrates exceptional skill in creating a compassionate healthcare environment that reflects and communicates the values of the healthcare provider through the integrated application of interior design with the visual arts.

Design Research Project

Lead judge: Göran Lindahl, Associate Professor/Head of Division Building Design, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University, Sweden

An independently assessed, completed and novel research study that can demonstrate innovation, relevance and practical application. The research should be original, showing critical thinking in a new field of investigation or by applying innovative methods and analysis to existing issues.

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